italian version

Filo Rosso

There is a common thread that runs through Magni history and strongly ties all the models together. This "red thread" (filo rosso) started its run when Arturo Magni began working on the most awarded motorcycles in the world, and went on when he estabilished his own firm.

In all the models manufactured by Magni, since the first MH with Honda engine, through the models with BMW, Moto Guzzi and Suzuki engines and till Storia, this thread have always left signs of its presence with some reference to the years Arturo spent on the tracks with the motorcycles from Cascina Costa.

Red colour is one of the iconic features of most Magni models, like the shape of the tank and the saddle, or the frame structure: every model show evidence of that thread.

Now the "red thread" is weaved together with the new MV Agusta Brutale 3-cylinder engine, stating the strength of the experience gained with the old 3-cylinder MV Agusta in its most successful period.

For everyone who remembers, appreciate or is curious about the peculiar shapes of motorcycles that won many world championships ………… "Filo Rosso" is coming



Scheda tecnica FILOROSSO


Tipo  tubolare a doppia culla aperta
materiale  tubi acciaio 25CrMo4 d. 30x1,5
saldature TIG 
angolo sterzo 25°


tipo forcella oleodinamica convenzionale
regolazioni esterne separate del freno in estensione, compressione e precarico molla
D.steli 43mm
piastre sterzo in lega di alluminio ricavate dal pieno con lavorazioni a CNC
interasse 195mm
avanzamento 60mm


tipo forcellone oscillante bibraccio
materiale lamiera scatolata acciaio 25CrMo4
saldature TIG
ammortizzatori oleodinamici con regolazioni esterne separate del freno in estenzione, compressione e precarico molla


interasse 1370mm
lunghezza totale 2010mm
larghezza max
altezza sella da terra 770mm
peso a secco tot 160kg
peso asse ant 78kg
peso asse post 82kg
avancorsa 85mm
inclinazione forcelle 25°
altezza pedane /terra 400mm
lunghezza centro sterzo sella 900mm


ant doppio disco d.320 fascia in acciaio
pinza Brembo 4 pistoni
post disco d. 230
pinza Brembo 2 pistoni


ant 18x2,50 in lega di magnesio
post 18x4,50 in lega di magnesio


ant Metzeler Roadtec Z8  110/80 ZR18
post Metzeler Roadtec Z8  160/60 ZR18